In what is becoming a tradition, we open our 2021/2022 season with a program by Michael Brothers. Michael (now retired from his position as Director of the Marine Science Center) will give a program on shorebird identification. Flocking together for the meeting begins at 6:30 pm and Michael’s program will begin promptly at 7:00. A brief business meeting will follow. Please plan to join us.
(Photo by Chuck Tague)
This will be a Zoom meeting of course and pre-registration is required.
You’ll then receive an email with your confirmation and the link to the meeting.
We open the meeting at 6:30 for everyone to get logged in and chat. The presentation will start promptly at 7:00 pm. A brief business meeting will follow.
One additional note about Zoom - if you have the time, please download the newest version of the software - 5.7.6. After November, older versions may not be compatible with the new platform.
(For detailed information about preparing to join a Zoom meeting with us click here.)