Peregrine Falcons are an environmental success story from their extinction in eastern North America in the 1960s to their reintroduction and removal from the Endangered Species list in the US and most eastern states. As the lead volunteer peregrine monitor in Southwestern PA Kate St. John has over two decades comprised of 1,000s of hours of experience observing these charismatic birds. She'll describe their breeding strategy, the history of their crash and recovery, notable peregrine dynasties that she has monitored in western Pennsylvania, and the migrating peregrines that fly past Florida in the fall. Her engaging account of peregrine lives and histories will give you a new appreciation for these fierce and beautiful raptors.
Fascinated by birds, curious about nature, and addicted to peregrine falcons, Kate St. John is a birder, blogger, and Pittsburgh’s lead peregrine falcon monitor. She writes about birds and nature every day at Outside My Window,
This meeting will be a virtual meeting conducted over Zoom. Click on the link to connect. See you there!