Michael Brothers has been studying Florida birds for the last 48 years and has been leading pelagic trips off the coast of Florida and Georgia for the last 15 years. He regularly studies the the birds every winter in South Daytona at the afternoon "Gull Fly-in" and graciously answers questions about the spectacle. Included in the avian mob are thousands of Terns. Anyone who has walked the beaches in Florida is familiar with this group of graceful birds. Most members can easily identify 3 to 5 species that are seen regularly throughout the year. However, up to 17 species, both native and vagrant, have been recorded in North America. Identification can be challenging at times. Michael will share with us some insights to identification and more while viewing his beautiful photographs.
Mr. Brothers is the retired Director of the Marine Science Center in Ponce Inlet, Florida, where he has worked since 2004. He is the former director of museums in Florida and Georgia and has worked as a professional interpretive naturalist for over 40 years.
Mr. Brothers’s pelagic trips extend to the Gulf Stream and out 100 miles to the 3,000 foot deep canyons beyond the Gulf Stream. He has extensive natural resource and natural science interpretive experience, with specializations in the bird life and flora of Central Florida, and he has lead birding tours throughout Florida, the Okefenokee Swamp, the Galapagos Islands, Kenya, Machu Picchu and the Amazon. Mr. Brothers’s research specialty is in the coastal and oceanic birds of Florida. He is currently a member of the Florida Ornithological Society Records Committee, which evaluates reports of birds recorded in the wild in Florida and is responsible for updating the scientific record of Florida’s avifauna. He is also the Florida editor for the journal North American Birds.
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